Monday, April 27, 2009

PAT 0.2

PAT (Pentaho Analysis Tool) project renews my faith in open source. A team of folks from Pentaho's community have got together and are cooking up a new UI for Mondrian. Due to the magic of olap4j, it will work against other OLAP engines too.

They just released version 0.2, and Tom's release notes are an amusing and informative history of the project. Download from the project home page.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Whoa. That's a lot of elogious words (Kinda Saint-Elogious like, I guess, there ain't no English translationt to this french word...). Thanks Julian. These really keeps us going.

(BTW people. PAT is picking up momentum and is scaling down development sprints lenght to 4 weeks. Lots of new features are due very soon. Next sprint is about slickness and end user orientented. Now's your time to suggest features.)